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CeNano GmbH & Co. KG, Germany manufactures Nanotol, a universal nano sealant that treats non porous surfaces so that they can be cleaned ecologically with either Nanotol cleaners or simply with water. The use of nanotol not only reduces cleaning times by more than 70%, but eliminates the need for all environmentally damaging cleaning agents. The Indian lotus plant provided the example of a self-cleaning effect.  Raindrops easily wash dirt and dust off the plant's leaves. 

More than a lotus effect!

  • Cleans, seals and protects all smooth surfaces 
  • Nanotol contains no silicone, organic solvents or alcohols
  • Save on all additional cleaning products and clean the sealed surface with water, your contribution to protecting the environment
  • Makes all glass look like crystal
  • Oil, dirt, dust and water repellent 
  • Cleaning in half the time 
  • Scratch proof 
  • Easy application on all surfaces 
  • Solvent-free, Safe for humans, biodegradable, TÜV certified according to food safety laws 
  • A sealant that lasts up to 12 months!



Applications - Nanotol


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